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Customised logistical solutions

Logistical solutions provided by our in-house production team

We provide solutions for your specific needs.

Take advantage of our know-how by using the services of our qualified technicians.

Customised conveyor rollers, lift tables, special customised designs of heavy duty trailers - we offer a wide range of logistical solutions.

Here are a few examples of our logistical solutions.



Adaptation of our conveying elements to on-site conditions

Adaptation of our conveying elements
to on-site conditions

One example of the flexible adaptation of our conveying elements to on-site conditions at our customers is the mini tapered idler roller curve shown with 2x 90° and gradient, in the form of a helix, as well as straight sections between the curves and as a transfer section to the downstream conveyor belt.


The packages from the foiling machine have to be transported between an existing staircase outside the hall into the neighbouring hall and overcome a height difference of 1,000 mm.

The equipment was put into operation exactly on schedule thanks to the exact coordination between all those involved in the projects.

Customer/branch: food industry


Our customers

Numerous well-known German and foreign companies from trade and industry have found in KRAUS a reliable and competent partner.